Do you really know how much important to know your children’s knowledge in ICT and how such know how is compared to school ICT daily lessons? MBS has discovered that so many parents would like to see so much knowledge of ICT skills from their school kids at the youngest age possible unfortunately kids will be always better at school lessons but sure they need more extra practical lessons for school knowledge to turn into practicality. If you are one of those parents who do not know where to send your kids, please register your child with us now and we will visit your and run sessions right at your door. It is so very cheap, MBS is committed to bring IT skills right at your home door regardless whether it is your first time to see, touch or know computer and or you are inexperienced with computers, please let us know we are at your disposal. The target of this program is to help our clients attain IT skills especially for those who did not have a chance to attend computer lessons before or have little know how of computers and mobile devices but they are willing to be skilled and run their business or surf online as any other skilled computer literates. Please join us today! This program comes with IT special packages and gifts.

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