Unlocking the full potential of your portfolio through our services
Our Services
Guide the creation of exciting product and service portfolios
A collaborative approach to design and development steers the creation of new products, services, innovation and software interlinks. Our approach, which combines customer, technology, operations, and market insights, along with our partnerships, create exciting portfolios of new products and services that deliver the right experience for your clients.
Increase profitability through product and service life-cycle optimization
Our innovative methodology to optimize products shifts the focus from design-to-cost to design-to-value. Taking a customer-back approach, and leveraging the best from our design and analytic teams, we bring together client insight and traditional cost levers in new ways, resulting in improved products for both our clients and their customers.
Improve agility and effectiveness through development
By delivering a holistic transformation of engineering user-departments, we ensure organizations remain agile, effective, and ready to deal with a rapidly changing market.
Optimize spend categories
Pioneering approaches and e-solutions combine to optimize direct and indirect spend categories as we leverage our innovation, expertise, analytic, and modernized tools. By implementing a total-cost-of-ownership approach, we support clients through the complete process to reach execution, including the negotiation stage.
Drive productivity and innovation with suppliers
In a time of rapid innovation, we help clients leverage the broader supply ecosystem to drive process, product and service evolution. This results in maximum impact from supplier relationships, using advanced custom-made programs to create integrated product and service life cycles.
Maximize procurement impact through agile MBS operating models
We guide the creation of a streamlined next-generation operating models, characterized by end-user journeys. By designing agile processes that incorporate B2B and P2P, we help to reduce seepage and to sustain performance to meet future needs.
Commodity Suppliers Agreements
Commodity agreements are arrangements between producing or supplying and consuming party to stabilize detected existing and future market price for the products and services. Such agreements are common in many markets, including the market for sports, mining, construction, and oil and gas industries. MBS provides this service for its clients to foresee how the future Read more
80/20% Bulk-Buying Commodity Forecast Model
MBS has developed the economies of scale “bulk-buying model” for major consumables, insurance and critical spares for our clients who have chosen us to be partner in their business to profiting from our “zero stock outs” model whilst increasing their customer’s service level at an optimized inventory stock holding value Read more
Paired procurement
When considering where to build your supply base, source of components, products and services, the prevailing idea seems to be that domestic sourcing allows for better control and shorter time to market, but international sourcing is cheaper and high quality products. While these can be true, the lines become blurred as to when to choose one over the other, and these vast Read more