Discover the primal splendor of Tanzania’s rivers, lakes and ocean shores. Explore places known only to a privileged few –woodland, waters and fishes, MBS will take you to a land where the heart flies free, and the soul can rest in the arms of silence.
We are a full service canoe outfitter offering complete or partial outfitting, paddling service, ground shuttles, car shuttles -start your trip in Bukoba-Musoma-Mwanza-Dar-Mtwara and finish in Mbamba-Bay. We will have your canoe with fishing tools waiting there for you at a date and time you specify. We also offer, swimming, route planning, various unmentioned expeditions, base camp fishing trips, bed & breakfast service and at the completion of your trip – with a decent shower.
Fish caught and main raised from these services will mean that you have contributed to the orphanage charities.
Join us for the trip of a lifetime, or venture out on your own. As our guests you will always experience friendly, personalized, reliable service with meticulous attention to detail.