In addition to providing contracting support, we maintain our clients’ contract repository, contract loading and data entry. Besides, we track overdues, renewals and rebates, and manage contract compliance and reporting. As part of our unified procurement platform, in strategic sourcing programs, negotiating savings is only the starting point. Ineffective contract compliance and utilization can soon cause those nice savings to just … evaporate. SMART by MBS enables all-in-one linkages and collaboration between procurement, legal, sales and other stakeholders across the contract life cycle — in one intuitive, easily deployed and custom-configurable contract management suite. MBS’ top-class supplier management system ensures that your hard-won, favorable contractual terms always get converted into hard savings. With SMART by MBS, you can novelist, aggregate and collaborate on contracts in a central repository that supports contract administration as well as tracking and management of performance, savings and compliance. SMART by MBS simplifies and automates the entire contracting and contract administration process. Purpose-built for procurement professionals, MBS features collaborative writing, template and clause libraries, alerts and event reminders, repository acumen, and superior reporting capabilities.